
Posts Tagged ‘wives’

More Historical Figures Demand Apologies

September 27, 2009 Leave a comment

With the recent pardon from the British government to Alan Turing, the late computer genius and code-breaker, more historical characters have begun their own campaigns to receive official pardons. The first, by Anne Boleyn, wife of King Henry VIII, demands an apology for ‘Acts of gross indecency during marriage, abuse and eventual execution’. Lawyers for Ms Boleyn report that she is furious at the silence being maintained by the government. She has demanded a full royal apology. Since the demand for an apology from Ms Boleyn, several of the King’s other wives have joined Ms Boleyn in her demands, forming a group, supported by several city lawyers, named Queens 4 Apologies. The effects of the petition are not only being felt in Britain, and in Mongolia, a group has begun a petitions calling for a United Nations Apology for Chinggis Khan, who the group describe as “A great hero of the World”. One of the more controversial groups, The Devil’s Advocates, have called for an official Papal Bull to be issued, apologising for the negative treatment and portrayal of “Our Most Great and Satanical Master, Lord of the Pit and Vanquisher of the Messiah”. So far, no statement has emerged from the Holy See.